Monday, June 9, 2008

Happiness is Having Someone To Love...

My Husband Knows Me Well!, originally uploaded by hobocampcrafts.

Or a cat that will let you drag them around like a ragdoll!

Searching for a sunscreen can be a pain in the neck, let me tell you! I finally decided on, California Baby, Sunscreen & bug repellant It was the most natural one I could find. Our local shop had one bottle left muuwah ha ha!

Aside from taking some time to go to the Olive Garden, which salad is now my main craving- so the never ending salad bowl is amazing- we saw the movie The Strangers and pretty much packed, packed, packed this weekend.

I really destashed like crazy. Some things will end up at other stuff I am donating. There comes a point when hanging onto clothes that didn't fit you before you were pregnant seems kind of silly. However, cutting some of your favorite non-fitting clothing up for sewing projects works perfectly. That is what I today is about, along with getting a wholesale order together.

It is a little too hot to do much of anything outside and the cats are lying dead-like in front of the air in the kitchen. Zach is going to a sneak prieview of the Hulk tonight, which looks pretty good! So I have the place to myself to do some sewing and more destashing.

Hope you're having a great Monday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmmmm...Olive Garden salads are the best! Holly Hobbie is one of my favs of all time too! I think we must be sisters separated at birth.