The bag I sold: Off in the mail tomorrow! **waving*
Tomorrow I am going to work for a few hours- unexpectedly- but always welcome! I was able to find a dress for both weddings for $35.00! Very exciting~ I puchased a new plant the other day with tiny pink flowers sort of a ground covering type. Now I need to come up with an interesting pot for it. I've been looking along the roadside for old metal washbins or the like. My mom had one in the yard she offered me- but I know she really wanted to use it in a similar way. Sunday is the best day to pick up stuff like that. People put things out for the Monday morning pick up.
We borrowed the Prestige last night from the library and just finished it. Christian Bale is just an amazing actor, I really enjoyed it! We watch too much tv- even if we do only have basic basic cable! I went to the library and grabbed a few crafty/decorating books. Seems the Denyse Schmidt book was in transit. I'll have to just buy it eventually. They did have the 2nd season of Northern Exposure, which I had reserved- obsessed. I enjoy having the radio on while working or something going on the laptop. The Tv is way too bothersome- with commercials and junk I can't stand to work. But with all the new-fangled DVD sets- I have instant interesting material to work with!
In Street Team News : I've got to figure out a way to set up the Hudson Valley Meet Up. I am craving a creative meet up- it's really nice to know there are other Etsyians out there~ now it's just a matter of getting us all together at one time!