Monday, April 9, 2007

Upstate/Downstate Suburban Crafters NY

It's difficult to find other\crafters in my area- New York is so god-awfully large. Rockland County although it is only 45 minutes or so from NYC I don't want to trek there for a craft meet. But then Albany isn't next door either!

So in the forums I keep trying to reach out to others in my area- It's so awesome to see people from Detroit or Indiana or wherever getting together- collaborating and crafting. I have not yet been able to find that.

I have been wanting to move for sometime- but we just signed a new lease and things are going well for Zach at work.

I walked to the library tonight after I ate some homemade mac & cheese. On my way home I came across 2 black metal cubes for storage- someone was getting rid of. So I picked them up and cleaned them off. I'll use them for new projects just made or projects in progress. Either way it was a good find!

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