Saturday, July 28, 2007

Strawberry-Rhubarb Crumble on Saturday Morning

Last night I went out with the girls for Mexican food. We were celebrating a friend in town for a 1-night visit, another friend moving to NYC and being accepted to Hunter, another friend's birthday and lastly my trip to Hawaii( I had to celebrate the little things)

Suzanne came for a visit this morning to meet Jasper- our fat kitty. So I ran to the market to buy some rhubarb. She is the only other person next to me and Garrison Keillor. So I whipped a strawberry-rhubarb crumble. Delicious! Not to mention neither of us had breakfast or lunch! So it really hit the spot.

I have a few photos of the process.

Tonight's Dinner.. Noodles & veggies

Sue also showed me some of her shopping finds- new shoes, jeans etc. I am living/shopping vicariously through her since the Wardrobe Refashion pledge I took.

Tonight I am planning this for myself: A night of relaxation coffee drinking-vegging out-listen to Prarie Home Companion cooking-reading HP7- maybe watching a bad vampire flick and minimal crafting. Tomorrow I have many items to list & weeding/ gardening/watering to do. I also want to make some sort of yumminess- lentil or couscous something.

I am really enjoying my subscription to Vegetarian Times, I find every new issue is full of great recipes I can't wait to try. The Rhubarb crmble recipe came from a VT recipe + In the Garden of Vegan + melissa's own shazaam. I did realize that this pie is served best when you allow it to cool and even refrigerate for a bit. I'll post the morphed recipe next week.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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