Yesterday I did actually make applesauce and it came out delicious! I can't wait till our apple-picking adventure at the end of September. We're taking my mom picking for her birthday!
Last night after Zach went to bed, I did some tidying and sewing. I've been wanting to make a simple bunting of sorts for my little studio nook shelf and here is how it came out:
Hello Kitty in a Squirrel Suit!
This morning we woke and had a yummy breakfast of egg whites, toast and potatoes. Bland enough to soothe my tummy, but delicious enough to make my pallet smile. We ran errands to the post, the market (where we picked up a My Little Pony Halloween addition- for baby,of course)and even hit a yard sale. With the $4 dollars in my wallet I managed to spend two and the other went into one of the various-crazy Japanese piggie banks we're saving for baby.
Quirky, vintage banks- all thrifted- all from Japan. The $2.00 was spent on some fabric( over a yard of flannel, white with teddy bears wearing pink overalls & pink engineer hats) the other dollar was spent on an adorable jumper, that reminded me of mini version of
this lovely lady, Secret Lentil.
We also hit the library, who was having a SALE. After renting becoming Jane and King of California ( two movies I've wanted to see, but knew Z did not) I headed down to the basement. I found Z with an arm-load of children's books. Together we found vintage classics, old favorites and a few new adventures.
we found this kitty curled up in a box of books, he was only 10 cents! So we bought him too!
In the mail today, I received 2 copies of Rockland Magazine(a local publication)- where I was one of the women featured in the September issue " Women & the Web"- I'm very excited and will scan in a copy ASAP. It will also be available to read here very soon.
Now with the house quiet(the cats are sleeping and Z is away for the night at his Manly Movie Night(he and his friends get together- make dinner and watch movies that are manly-yet easily laughable & make-funable (new word?) Think Mystery Science Theater)), I've just pulled
these brownies from the oven and I'm going to work on a few projects, the baby quilt, a small tree scene on an embroidery hoop and spiffing up a new bulletin board for the kitchen. Of course I'll make time for some brownie noshing, tea drinking and magazine/catalogue browsing.
Sunday & Monday~
Sunday was spent working on a piece of embroidery for the baby's wall and one for a tote I made my niece for her birthday. We watched a lot of movies,I went through some old boxes of childhood toys( think My Little Ponies with no tails and ratty manes) and we found some winter boxes full of scarves & hats & gloves- nestled away a few years ago and forgotten about.I love when that happens b/c it feels like we've just gone shopping in a store that knows exactly what you love!
Today we ran to Ikea, alas our crib was out of stock- in fact all cribs were out. So we'll make a trek next Friday. We still managed to find some goodies. We hit the market on the way back for a stock up on bagels,juice & other Trader Joe favorites. Tonight I'll take apart our current coffee table ( the edges are kind of dangerous) and although I love the spaciousness- we have an inherited wooden one from Z's family which is lovely.
I want to make some carrot puree, banana/pumpkin bread and so many things now- tomorrow-this week. I'm excited.
We had a very full vacation weekend. As I look over at Z asleep on the couch with Hermione, I'd say they feel the same.