Monday, March 10, 2008

Another Weekend Whooosh~

Saturday night- around 7ish we had a blackout- which lasted about 3 hours. Luckily our very small apartment is pretty easy to navigate- so I gathered all of our candles and battery-operated lights and we camped out in the bedroom. The wind whirled and the rain poured out of the sky. Our trustly laptop was fine- so we had some music to listen to while we played Scrabble by candlelight! I wonder if Ben Franklin played his Scrabble games this way or if he preferred natural light?

It seems at the moment Blogger and Flickr are experiencing issues- sorry for no actual photos in this post!

Sunday our town had one of the larger St. Patty's Day Parades. We took a walk around the neighborhood and watched the disgruntled drivers making K-turns due to the street being blocked off. It was really a beautiful day. Some long- awaited screenprinting was finally done. I organized some of my recipes by writing them on cards and adding them to my almost full recipe box. Jasper assisted with stocking the pantry- he looks so proud here- although is actual goal is to get some sort of food and act helpful at the same time!

Zach also took a nap- which was literally a cat nap! The kitties were asleep on the bed next to him- which is rare sense they don't really do anthing "near" one another!

Where does the weekend even go? The short time we spend with our loved ones on the weekends should be cherished :) Well with that- it IS Monday- so just a quick note today- I've neglected some of my sewing and isn't that what this is all about anyhow?!
Be Well~

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