Bundled for the Doctor:::::::::::::::::::::::::
This little girl has the softest cheeks and I can't help but just caress them like 50X's a day!
We've been home from the hospital since Thursday. As we were getting ready Wednesday night- a nurse commented that the baby looked a little yellow.. She's doing well- but had a slight case of jaundice. Her doctor is not very concerned and she's been showing great progress- so things should be back to normal for her very soon- whatever "normal" is for a 5-day-old baby.
I must be honest, I've been somewhat of an emotional wreckloose. Thank God for Zach. During pregnancy- my hormones weren't that crazy but since I've given birth- I've turned a little.. crazy?! Just a little anxious because our breastfeeding plan hasn't worked out quite as well as I had hoped. We've been having slight latching issues ( when it is just us or Daddy helping) when I'm with the lactation specialist- of course there is no problem! So between the latch and jaundice we've been supplementing with formula for the time being. Every bottle we give her I feel like a little piece of our bonding is out the door. But I'm trying to stay positive and will be meeting with the LC on Monday again. I know we CAN do it! We just need some practice- like trying anything new.
Zach has been amazing,he's the serious poop-inspector. Cheering Hazel on for dirty diapers ( which is essential when a baby has jaundice- to get it out of her system) he fills out the chart religiously and smiles with each dirty diaper.
Hazel is so sweet and calm for the most part. She really only cries if she is hungry or has a dirty. We are just in love with her little faces- too funny. I've switched all of my baby pictures from Flickr to private for friends & family. So if you can't see them and we are not friends- shoot me an email.
Today Zach's sister from Hawaii will get to meet Hazel- which is something I'm so happy about. H will see her cousins- whom she won't get to visit often and her proud Grandparents and a wonderful uncle. How lucky she is to have this instant family ready to love!
Our little shoppe is doing well with the holiday rush. Still making our handmade Christmas gifts. I'm just trying to find balance between it all. I don't mind the sleepless nights - so far. We've done a lot of team feeding rather than taking turns.. but tonight is our first relay. Zach and H are asleep as I wrap some early Christmas treats for our mid-morning- arrival of family- listen to Christmas music in a sandwich of H to my left and Jasper to my right.
We picked our little tree out yesterday from the local fire house. I love that this is an option.. giving back to the community. The kitties are still very excited by it. Both sitting under it like presents. I love keeping it on all hours- as long as the tree is on- there really is something magical.Then with our tiny snowfall last night- it was a perfect Christmasy night. I even slept in a silly over-sized thermal nightgown of Zach's lol.
Well I hope you're all having a great weekend- bundled in the magic of the ones you love and the holiday bustle.
Thank you for all of the lovely comments!
Sounds like you are doing a truly wonderful job. hang in there the balance will come.
Keep at it, she'll latch like a pro in no time! I had to pump and give Sido a bottle for the first week until we all figured out what the heck we were doing. When I think back to how scared and stressed I was about feeding her enough it all seems like a dream (probably because I was so cracked out from never sleeping....) -Anda
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