Well, I'm not in Mobile, obviously. But I am stuck. Here it is 4pm and I've really not done much to even mention. It isn't that I don't have things to do or that I don't want to do them, I'm just stuck in a rut. I spent most of my morning reading articles on money management, creating a home management workbook and rearranging some books on bookshelves. Eating this dill tofu spread on fresh bagels- like it is going out of style and feeling all-around sucky because I have a basket full of items to photograph for the shop. In the forefront was TV(a Project Runway marathon), that plays a big part of my lack of productivity. I felt pretty good for most of today, so I should have gotten a lot more accomplished.
I did make myself a 5-minute fleece scarf
sew 4 coffee cuffs and 1 pin cushion
hang Zach's wintry shirts & henleys to air out & packed up 1 box of his summer shirts
and found places for all of our outside/ now inside plants- but still I feel lame.
I think I need to go back to listening to books on tape/CD, because when I did- I was getting so much more accomplished. All I can do now is acknowledge my weakness and hop back on my sewing machine. I guess I shouldn't beat myself up too much- but once baby Hazel arrives, I know things will change and I'll wish I had a whole day to sew! With that I'm shutting off the TV.
I love all of the pictures hanging in your bathroom. You've inspired me to go get my hammer and nails and hang the stuff I have. :)
Christopher used to have a record label, or, something of the sorts called booksontape. Random thought, haha.
I wish I could make a scarf in 5 minutes. I need to learn how to sew. Really. Someday. Its on my 10 year to do list.
oh, relish it... rather than feeling bad when i'm not accomplishing much, i see it as a well deserved break. then, like you, i just back on it all....
you're right about your time not being yours once baby hazel (love the name) arrives. sometimes i get frustrated that i can't get a break to do what i want during the day, but i just have to leave it all and walk away and distract myself with dollies and swings. it's hard, but so so worth it...
I have no idea of your politics, but I nominated you for the following giveaway:
I hope you win. I think you will get a kick out of those mugs.
Yay for money management reading. I'm still a huge personal finance nerd. I also saw that you're reading Get Rich Slowly. Good stuff.
Hey congratulations nice lady I've never met, I just heard! (I'm 32 weeks behind in my letters). Completely apropos of nothing, I love the chimes in Fisher Price apples when you roll them.
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